Ever wondered how to clean up the git branches on your local clone of a repo when using squash merges, then this blog is for you!

Ever been tasked with working out how to migrate resources between subscriptions? This is the blog post for you!

Want to setup Azure DevOps to orchestrate your Terraform deployments to Azure? Then this is the blog post for you!

I walk you through how to setup AzGovViz in Azure DevOps to automatically gather all your Azure governance data on a schedule!

Here is my supporting blog post entry for the Azure Spring Clean 2020 on the Azure Resource Graph!

In this post I’ll explain how I managed to get Azure CDN to create and manage the SSL certificate for my root apex domain

My step by step guide for logging in to Azure via PowerShell to the correct Tenant every time!

Here is my supporting blog post entry for the Azure Advent Calendar 2019 on Azure Governance!

Ever wondered how to get the License Key to install SSRS on an IaaS VM in Azure when using PAYG licensing from Azure.

Time to share a handy little PowerShell script to help with your tags on resources

A quick how to on how to create a PowerShell Admin shortcut on Mac OS.